The Spirited School Counselor


#ASCA16 Roundup


Disclosure of material connection: Some of the links in the post below are “affiliated links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item I will receive a small commission. With that said, I only recommend items that I have found useful as a school counselor and educator. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


I was #NotAtASCA16 this year but I tried to gather as much info as I could from my fellow school counselors who were attending ASCA in NOLA this year.

Here are some of the great resources I discovered through TagBoard

**Collective Notes on Google Docs**


For Professional Development


To Use with Students


Websites, New Technology & Online Resources:


Curriulum Information Websites:


So much great information! Thanks to everyone who shared information with the #ASCA16 hashtag so I could learn through your experiences.

Thanks for stopping by!



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Creating a Career Portfolio for Interviews

Creating a Career Porfolio

Every so often on twitter and facebook I see people ask about creating a portfolio, whether its a hard copy or a digital one. There was a lot of discussion in May about digital portfolios. You can see my post about how to create a digital portfolio here. With interview season I have seen a lot more questions about creating a hard copy of one that you physically carry into interviews.

While in graduate school we had to create portfolio in my intro to school counseling class. I decided to use a large binder with the intentions of filling it as I went through graduate school, which I am glad I did. I now use this as a storage area for a lot of my documentation. When I interview (which I am hoping I am done doing for a while) I take a much smaller portfolio with me.

I use a smaller portfolio binder for several reason:

  1. Realistically, a 3-inch binder full of documents is not going to help me land a job because who is going to want to (or have time to) look through everything at an interview.
  2. A smaller .5 inch binder makes me pick and choose what may help me show the interviews why I am the best choice for the position.
  3. It is just easier and more comfortable to carry.

Point 2 is the most important! It makes me narrow down what to include. Typically I have my interview portfolio broken down into 5 sections (although this may change as I have more experience out of graduate school):

  1. Professional Experience
    Items like my resume, first aid and CPR cards (required for licensure in my state), license or letter of eligibility from my state’s department of education, references, and letters of recommendation are included here. I have extra copies of my resume and reference list on resume paper, in the side pocket, to distribute when I arrive at the interview.
  2. Counseling Approach
    My school counseling philosophy, counseling personal statement, and one page summary of how my experience and the ASCA model align are found in this section.
  3. Professional Development
    I have presented at my state-level counseling conference a few times. In this section I include those presentations.
  4. Lesson Plans & GRIPS
    This section includes lesson plans that are age-specific and position specific. For example, if I am interviewing at an elementary school then I include a classroom lesson for 2 different ages as well as a group lesosn. I also include any examples of using datat to drive my school counseling program. I have a school-wide needs assessment, a group flier for a group that was formed as a result of the needs assessment, and a GRIP to show the results of that group. These items may not be for the age-level that the interview is for but it shows I know how to collect, analyze, and use data appropriately. I also included a parent night powerpoint and a newsletter I create to show how I try to reach the families of the schools I work within.
  5. Coursework
    I included my transcripts here just in case they were needed, for whatever reason. I will likely remove this portion now that I have my provisional license. When I created my portofolio I only had my letter of eligibility and wanted another way to document my education. With that said, I dont think this section is needed. I cant imagine a situation while being interviewed that I would need to show my transcripts.


There is also discussion on social medio about HOW to use a portfolio. I realized quickly that I was just carrying my binder into interviews and never opening it. It took practice at home for me to feel comfortable referencing it. When preparing for an interview I look up school counseling interview questions (ASCA‘s, UMT, Longwood,  Tucson District, Fordham, and the Counseling Geek all offer possible questions)  and practice, practice, practice WITH my portfolio.

For example, if I was practicing this question: Have you implemented any components of the ASCA National Model for School Counseling? I would answer it, while referencing my ASCA alignment sheet in my portfolio. This sheet would help support my answer while also being a visual reminder of things that I have done that align wiht the ASCA National Model.

Another example would be if asked: How do you use data in a school counseling program? I would practice answering the question while referencing different pieces of evidence in my portfolio that use data, such as a GRIP or needs assessment.

It is important to reference your portfolio rather than just pass it around. This is partly due to it being difficult to listen to what you are saying while also reading all the good things you have included in your portfolio. It is also because you want to draw attention to the pieces in your portfolio when they have an opportunity to make you shine!

Scrapbook of a School Counselor  and Dr. Carolyn Berger both have a suggested list of items to include in your portfolio. I also have an entire pinterest board dedicated to portfolios and the job search that you are welcome to check out.

What do you make sure to include in your portfolio? As an intervewer what are your feelings on portfolios?

Thanks for stopping by!



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NBCC vs NBPTS for School Counselors


I recently asked on the Elementary School Counselor Exchange facebook group about the different certifications school counselors may work towards. I thought the National Board Certified Counselor (NBCC) was the only certification available; however, I discovered that the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) also offers a school counseling certificate. In response to my question Dr. Russ Sabella posted a great side by side comparison that ASCA created. You can see the ASCA Comparison Chart here or below on scribd. NBCC has created a list of benefits of holding their certification.


From what I understand – please correct me, if I am wrong – NBCC offers an exam for counselors to earn their NBCC credentials. NBPTS is a much more in-depth process that aligns with the ASCA model and helps school counselors prepare for the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) application. The NBPTS requires 3 years of licensed experience and a portfolio.

Several people noted that it is important to check with your state as well as your school district to see if there are monetary benefits to earning the two certifications.

Another things that was mentioned was that NBCC used to offer a specialized certification for school counselors. Right now that certification application is unavailable and under review.

Have you earned either certification? Any advice for those of us who are considering it?

Thanks for stopping by!
